How to use the Optimize panel

Frase's SEO optimization works by extracting content from Google's top 20 results (or whatever results you chose or bring into Frase) and running Natural Language Processing AI on the content to find semantic SEO terms that signal to Google how well a piece of content covers topics related to the search query. Adding more of these suggested semantic words ultimately boosts the score of your content and its SEO ranking value.

Once content has been written in the editor, or if you just paste any existing content directly into the editor, navigate to the "Optimize" tab to optimize the content.

The first piece to understand is that each word listed has the count you've mentioned in your editor on the left side of the slash vs. how many times on average it's been mentioned by the search results on the right side of the slash. An example pictured below is 'potential customers'; in our content, we've mentioned it 7 times to the competitor's 2 times on average. The aim is to at least have the same amount of mentions of a topic in your content as the average mentions across the competitors.

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Referring to the above screenshot, the double-page icon will allow the topic to be pasted into the editor. And if the topic seems irrelevant, click the circle with a diagonal line to blacklist it so the score doesn't account for it.

Also in the optimize view, there will be a green half-circle that will show the current score of the content, and underneath it is the 'avg. score', meaning the average optimization score across the search results pulled into Frase. The goal for your content is to have a score at least 30%+ past that average score. There's also a 'view competitors' text to click to see each optimization score across each source.

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SERP Metric View + Type, Status and Explore Topics

The SERP Metric view shows the respective count across the search results in gray text, and the more bolded text is the count in your current document.

But it's also important to note the following options: Type, Status and Explore Topics.

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In the "Type" dropdown, there will be the option for "Long Tail" which is selected by default. This will show the only the semantic topics that are two words or more in your list.

"Top Topics" will show one word and two word or more topics.

"Clusters" will gather the full list of topics organized by an overarching label.

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The "status" dropdown shows the options to sort the SEO topics by.

The most important one is Topic Gap which will show all the topics that have been mentioned in the search results, but that haven't been mentioned at all in your content.

Completed shows topics that have at least hit the average count across the search results.

In Progress shows topics that have been mentioned at least one time, but haven't reached the average count across the sources.

Lastly, Overuse shows topics that have been mentioned too much (more than 3% of the total word count of content in your editor). Repeated mentions of an overuse word may decrease your score. This can be typical for a word mentioned a lot that is vital to the search query, and that shouldn't raise alarm; keep a true eye on it if you see several topics being marked as red.

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Explore Topics

To see the individual mentions of topics across each search result, click "Explore Topics" button. The topics are on the left side, and each column will show the mentions of topics for a particular search result. 

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